We are Esoteric Catholic

We are an esoteric contemplative post-Christian community, established in the unbroken succession of the apostles and built upon the sensibilities of early Christian theological diversity and “monasticism of the desert fathers and desert mothers”.

Ours is an unconventional, truly monastic community, preserving the spirit of pre-institutional Catholic Esotericism and Mysticism through the approach of the ancient mystery schools from which institutional churches deviated.

Having established a non-dogmatic approach toward our spiritual traditions, we embrace a continued respect for all spiritualities and religions, while preserving the ancient Catholic Mysteries of the original apostles — particularly Mary Magdalene and John the Beloved — through the integration of the twenty-one lines of apostolic succession held by our autocephalous servant-leader, +Francis-Maria Gianmichael Salvato, O.C.P., N.D., Ph.D..

In the Christian bible, within the book ascribed to the brother of Rabbi Jesus, we are reminded, “For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith (πίστις) without works (ἔργων ) is dead.” (cf: James 2:26)

Our spiritual community recognises faith (πίστις) as the perceiving power of the mind linked with the power to shape substance, in pursuit of spiritual liberation from suffering and fear. We approach the path of liberation as an organic synthesis of faith (πίστιν), works (ἔργα), and knowledge (γνωσις).

Esoteric Catholicism is an approach to spirituality which features “secret traditions” that require an initiation to learn and ultimately understand. The term esoteric derives from the Greek ἐσωτερικός (esôterikos, “inner”). Unlike institutional Catholicism and Christianity, which derives its teaching from the interpretations of the heterodox Christian scriptures, Esoteric Catholicism relies upon the disciplina arcani — the oral tradition of the Apostles, containing the hidden and esoteric teachings of Rabbi Jesus the Nazarean.

Catholic Folk-Magic, Conjure & Conscious Creation

Ours is a spiritual community of metaphysical practitioners. We practice Catholic folk-magic traditions from our individual cultures and heritage, Catholic Conjure, transcultural shamanism, ancestral veneration, herbal healing and spiritualism.

As a community, we neither identify as “witches” nor as “pagan”, because both terms are recognised as examples of the violence and rhetoric of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, which used them as accusatory and pejorative terms.

We further choose to consciously distance ourselves from the highly problematic, often irrational and equally manipulative mid-20th century constructs of popular culture “witchcraft” and neopagan traditions, due to their overwhelming reliance upon historically inaccurate, anthropologically flawed and grotesquely appropriative practices, beliefs, assertions and doctrine.

Some of our community may choose to identify themselves using the terms “witch”, “warlock”, “strega” and so-forth; and that is perfectly acceptable and respected. Our community identity, however, is one of being Esoteric Catholic mystics and magical practitioners… not as “witches” or “pagans”.

Instead, our focus is on self-mastery, conscious creation, healing, social justice and alleviating suffering in our world; while working to release generational and ancestral trauma and fear for future generations.